Parent Tech Help Sessions Are you struggling with SeeSaw or Google Classroom? Register today for a Parent Tech Help Clinic to be held in the Oakmont Library.
Student Planning Survey This is a reminder to please complete the "Student Planning Survey" at Please click "Read Full Story" to go to the survey.
Cohort and Other School Reopening Information Cohort, remote learning opt out and transportation opt out information and confirmations will be sent out Friday, August 21, 2020.
School Reopening Question and Answer Session 8/19/2020 A reminder that the second question and answer session regarding school reopening will take place this evening at 7:00pm on AWCATV.
Student Planning Survey AWRSD is surveying all families to provide important information for each child who is enrolled in the district regarding remote learning, technology needs and transportation. This survey can be found at
School Reopening Summary Letter 8/13/2020 The attached letter was sent to families on 8/13/2020 summarizing the school reopening plan.
School Reopening Discussions 8/11/2020 and 8/12/2020 Please join Superintendent Dr. Todd Stewart as he discusses the School Reopening Plan that was introduced at the 8/10/2020 School Committee meeting.