Parent Handbook - Medical and Health Information
John R. Briggs Elementary School
Parent Handbook
We Grow and Learn Together, Here at JRB
Medical and Health Information
Wellness Policy
Please be sure to read the complete AWRSD Wellness Policy on the district website: We have included a portion of the policy in reference to nutritious foods served in our school. “We continue to promote the availability of nutritious selections and discourage the sale and consumption of beverages and foods of low nutritional value during regular school hours.’” Our policy does not set specific food restrictions, but we are recommending that you make “healthy choices” when sending in food with your child whether it be for lunch, snack, or classroom celebrations. Please reference this website for an extensive list of acceptable foods/snacks that are healthy: Please support the AWRSD Wellness Policy by encouraging healthy eating habits.
Please be sure to read the complete AWRSD Wellness Policy on the district website: We have included a portion of the policy in reference to nutritious foods served in our school. “We continue to promote the availability of nutritious selections and discourage the sale and consumption of beverages and foods of low nutritional value during regular school hours.’” Our policy does not set specific food restrictions, but we are recommending that you make “healthy choices” when sending in food with your child whether it be for lunch, snack, or classroom celebrations. Please reference this website for an extensive list of acceptable foods/snacks that are healthy: Please support the AWRSD Wellness Policy by encouraging healthy eating habits.
Food Allergies
Due to the increased prevalence of food allergies among school-aged children, please check with your child’s teacher when sending snacks into the classroom for special celebrations. If your child has a food allergy of any type, please inform us immediately. If there is a specific food allergy in your child’s classroom, a detailed letter will go home the first days of school in the fall. We are a peanut/tree nut aware building. Our cafeteria has a table set aside for students with food allergies. We thank you for your continued cooperation to help keep all of our food allergic students safe.
Due to the increased prevalence of food allergies among school-aged children, please check with your child’s teacher when sending snacks into the classroom for special celebrations. If your child has a food allergy of any type, please inform us immediately. If there is a specific food allergy in your child’s classroom, a detailed letter will go home the first days of school in the fall. We are a peanut/tree nut aware building. Our cafeteria has a table set aside for students with food allergies. We thank you for your continued cooperation to help keep all of our food allergic students safe.
Massachusetts General Law requires all students enrolled in school to have an up-to-date Certificate of Immunization before they attend classes. This form can be obtained from the school nurse but must be completed by the student’s personal physician. Check with the school nurse for the current list of mandatory immunizations. If immunizations are NOT up to date, then your child will be EXCLUDED from school until the appropriate immunizations are acquired. If there is a medical reason your child is not immunized, please submit a letter annually from your child’s physician stating the medical reason. If your child is not properly immunized for religious reasons, please submit a formal letter to the school stating so.
Massachusetts General Law requires all students enrolled in school to have an up-to-date Certificate of Immunization before they attend classes. This form can be obtained from the school nurse but must be completed by the student’s personal physician. Check with the school nurse for the current list of mandatory immunizations. If immunizations are NOT up to date, then your child will be EXCLUDED from school until the appropriate immunizations are acquired. If there is a medical reason your child is not immunized, please submit a letter annually from your child’s physician stating the medical reason. If your child is not properly immunized for religious reasons, please submit a formal letter to the school stating so.
Medication Policy
The AWRSD has a policy to ensure the health and safety of students needing medication during the school day. Our school district requires a doctor’s/licensed prescriber’s order on all medications (prescription and over-the-counter) before they can be administered at school and the written consent of the parent/guardian. A responsible adult must bring all medications to the health office. The prescription medication must be in the original container, which is clearly labeled with the following:
The AWRSD has a policy to ensure the health and safety of students needing medication during the school day. Our school district requires a doctor’s/licensed prescriber’s order on all medications (prescription and over-the-counter) before they can be administered at school and the written consent of the parent/guardian. A responsible adult must bring all medications to the health office. The prescription medication must be in the original container, which is clearly labeled with the following:
• Name of student
• Medication name
• Name of prescribing physician
• Dosage, route, frequency of administration of medication
• Date prescribed
• Medication name
• Name of prescribing physician
• Dosage, route, frequency of administration of medication
• Date prescribed
All medication orders must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. For short-term medications, such as antibiotics, the prescription label may be used as the doctor's order. A signed parent permission form is also required to administer these medications. The school medication policy also applies during field trips. The nurse may delegate other personnel to give medication in the event of field trips with parent/guardian permission. Our school physician has written standing orders for the administration of Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, and Tums. Please make sure you (parent/guardian) complete the back of the emergency form and sign the part of the form to allow the nurse to administer those medications. Please contact the school nurse for more information regarding medication administration if you have specific questions.
Policy for Exclusion of Contagious Conditions
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has established guidelines concerning a student’s return to school after experiencing a contagious illness: strep throat, scarlet fever, head lice, chicken pox, impetigo, conjunctivitis, scabies, etc. If your student is diagnosed with any of these illnesses or conditions, please contact the school nurse immediately to discuss guidelines for returning to school.
Head Lice/Nits: Head lice are most often seen in school-age children, but can occur in all social, economic, and age groups. We conduct pediculosis (head lice) screenings as needed throughout the school year. Students with head lice/nits may not return to school until hair has been treated and all nits have been removed. The student and parent/guardian must report to the school nurse and be rescreened after treatment and nit removal. At that time the nurse will determine whether the
student is able to return to class. Please remind your child not to share combs, brushes, hats, scarves, hair clips, headbands, headsets, helmets, etc.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has established guidelines concerning a student’s return to school after experiencing a contagious illness: strep throat, scarlet fever, head lice, chicken pox, impetigo, conjunctivitis, scabies, etc. If your student is diagnosed with any of these illnesses or conditions, please contact the school nurse immediately to discuss guidelines for returning to school.
Head Lice/Nits: Head lice are most often seen in school-age children, but can occur in all social, economic, and age groups. We conduct pediculosis (head lice) screenings as needed throughout the school year. Students with head lice/nits may not return to school until hair has been treated and all nits have been removed. The student and parent/guardian must report to the school nurse and be rescreened after treatment and nit removal. At that time the nurse will determine whether the
student is able to return to class. Please remind your child not to share combs, brushes, hats, scarves, hair clips, headbands, headsets, helmets, etc.
Fever/Vomiting/Diarrhea: It is strongly recommended that a child with a fever of 100.1 or greater remain out of school for 24 hours fever-free without the aid of medication. It is strongly recommended that a child be kept at home with vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours until symptoms have subsided.
Vision and Hearing Test
Vision screenings are done on all students in grades K-5; stereopsis is an additional vision screening done with students in grades K-3. Hearing screenings are done on students in grades K-3. The school nurse for follow-up sends notices of any failures to the parent. The school nurse should be contacted if there are any questions. Results of the follow-up are to be returned to the school nurse.
Physical Exams
Massachusetts State law recommends periodic physical exams. The AWRSD requires all new students as well as incoming students in kindergarten and third grade to have current physical. Ideally, this is done by a family physician that knows the child. Please forward a completed physical examination form to the school nurse where it will become part of the student’s health record.
Massachusetts State law recommends periodic physical exams. The AWRSD requires all new students as well as incoming students in kindergarten and third grade to have current physical. Ideally, this is done by a family physician that knows the child. Please forward a completed physical examination form to the school nurse where it will become part of the student’s health record.
Dental Exam
The Nashoba Board of Health provides our school with a visit from a dental hygienist. Students in Kindergarten are eligible for a dental exam. Students in Grade 2 and 4 are also eligible for dental exams as well as cleanings and fluoride applications. Also, Polished, Inc. comes to the school and is available to all students. Both programs are free of charge but require written parental permission.
The Nashoba Board of Health provides our school with a visit from a dental hygienist. Students in Kindergarten are eligible for a dental exam. Students in Grade 2 and 4 are also eligible for dental exams as well as cleanings and fluoride applications. Also, Polished, Inc. comes to the school and is available to all students. Both programs are free of charge but require written parental permission.
BMI – Body Mass Index
Students in grades 1 and 4 will have BMI (body mass index) screenings (height/weight) done.
Students in grades 1 and 4 will have BMI (body mass index) screenings (height/weight) done.
Scoliosis/Postural Check
All 5th grade students will be checked for scoliosis. Parents are notified if additional evaluation is needed by child’s primary care physician.
Serious Injury or Illness
Following an injury or serious illness, a doctor’s note indicating restrictions and/or activity should be presented to the nurse.
Following an injury or serious illness, a doctor’s note indicating restrictions and/or activity should be presented to the nurse.
School Accident Insurance
In the beginning of each school year, an application for school accident insurance is sent out. If you have any questions, contact the school nurse.
In the beginning of each school year, an application for school accident insurance is sent out. If you have any questions, contact the school nurse.
Comprehensive Health Insurance
If you or your family is in need of health insurance, please visit for information and application.