Parent Handbook - Cafeteria - Food Service
John R. Briggs Elementary School
Parent Handbook
We Grow and Learn Together, Here at JRB
Cafeteria – Food Service
The Food Service Department provides lunch for a cost of $2.75 per meal. (Subject to AWRSD School Committee change). We cannot stress strongly enough the need to pre-pay your child’s lunch if your child will be purchasing a school provided daily lunch. An on-line payment and monitoring system is also available through the AWRSD website You select the number of pre-pay lunches and make checks payable to: J. R. Briggs Elementary – Café. Our cafeteria manager will keep you
informed when your child’s funds are running low. Parents are encouraged to pre-pay lunch by sending in the pre-payment amount on Mondays for the total cost of the number of lunches that they desire to pay. A record is kept of each child’s balance and purchases. Lunches not purchased due to absence or lunches brought by the child will be credited on the next day. You will be informed when your child’s pre-payments have been exhausted.
By using the pre-payment system, time collecting money is reduced, therefore allowing more eating time for your child. Should you prefer to pay on a daily basis, please try to limit small change, as small children are apt to lose it. Less change will also speed up the cashier, allowing more time to complete the child’s lunch.
Free/Reduced Lunch Forms are available through the school office and on the district’s website. If your financial status changes during the school year, be sure to contact the Food Service Department to help determine eligibility for Free or Reduced Lunch.